Workplace Conflict - How to Stop It Before It Even Starts with David S. Leong

  • About the Artist

    David is the only person in the United States who is a Certified Conflict Resolution Trainer (Mediation Training Institute and Cornell University) and a Certified Fight Master. He served on the faculties at Brandeis University, University of Maryland and the Julliard School before joining the VCU Department of Theatre as Chair and Professor. When he's not starting fights, he's coaching doctors, nurses, lawyers, leaders and managers on how to stop them before they even start. Recently, David gave a talk on How to Stop Conflict Before It Even Starts at the 2019 Broadway TedX as well as the 2020 International Conference on Conflict Resolution and Mediation.

  • Workplace Conflict - How to Stop It Before It Even Starts

    Workplace Conflict - How to Stop It Before It Even Starts

    Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conflict and didn't know why? Can you stop it before it even starts? The answer is yes!  More than likely, the key to resolving the conflict lies in you and not them.

    Conflict coaches all over the world use the Conflict Dynamics ProfileĀ® (CDP) as an excellent resource to increase self-awareness and improve conflict management skills. The CDP is unlike any other assessment tool in that it focuses specifically on conflict behaviors, rather than styles. It helps you understand how you respond to conflict, what triggers you, and how you can manage it more effectively. The CDP online assessment takes about 20 minutes on line. Once you press submit, your assessment report will be sent to David S. Leong who will discuss your results during the follow-up consultation. Your session also provides information and tips for coping with conflict and building strong interpersonal relationships. After completing the CDP and consulting with David, you will know how your behavior impacts others and gain the necessary knowledge to understand and solve workplace conflict.

    Cost: $225.00  
    • Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) online self-assessment.
    • Follow up virtual consultation includes analysis of your CDP.
    • Constructive strategies of conflict management and how to put them into practice. 
    • Worksheets and exercises. 


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